Thank you for purchasing our plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please visit the support system here. Thanks so much!
This is the folder containing this documentation that you are now viewing. No Need to upload it, just keep handy for when you need to refer back to.
This is your Wordpress plugin file for WPIndeed My Logos that you add to your plugins directory of Wordpress.
Inside your Wordpress admin area, go to Plugins at the top you'll see "Add New" click that and the click the link that says "Upload". In the upload box select the file and click upload.
After uploading is completed and instalation is done Plugins > Installed Plugins and activate it.
Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins click the "Activate" link under Indeed My Logos. Your Plugin is now installed!
Go to My Logos -> All Clients to see all the clients you added untill now. As a nice feature you can see the group they are part of, and a thumnbail.
If you know how to add a post or a page in WordPess you know how to add clients in your website. We have split this into 5 simple steps as you can see in the picture:
Client Name: This is self explanatory. Just add the name of your client.
Logo: Set an image for your client. You will use the media library build in WordPress feature.
Client Link: Add an URL to your client's website.
Description (tooltip): Add a few words about the client. This text will appear if you select to display the tooltip when the user takes his mouse over the logo
Groups: Add the client to one, more, or no group at all.
Managing the groups is the same as manageing the categories for your posts. You can add, edit and delete them.
The shorcode generator is a click only, instant preview tool. We have split the options in 4 columns:
Display Entries In this section you can choose what information will be displayed: What group, how many clients, ordering options.
Entry Information With a single checkbox you can choose to display each type of information added about the clients in the Add New Client section.
Theme This is where the NO CODING REQUIRED comes to live. With a simple mouse click you can choose between the 10 included templates and 25 included image effects and you can choose on how many columns will your team be displayed, and also the height of each box where clients will be displayed
Show in Slider You can choose to trnsform this list into an animated slider with 11 options, including CSS3 transitions.
Preview Every single change you make in the shortcode generator will give you an instant result in the preveiw section. NO PAGE REFRESH REQUIRED
The plugin comes with 1 widget you can use in the Apparence -> Widgets
The widget will provide the user with the same options you have in the plugin, except the live preview.
Thanks again for buying this plugin, if you need any help/support at all contact us.